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Location:Burns, TN


Angel Food/Tube Cake Pans 15 gauge aluminum, solid bottom, with nesting ring in tube Angel Food/Tube Cake Pans From special designs to traditional Spring Form Pans, you will find a Cake Pan that will enhance your offerings. Please see below for specific material and construction notes. Angel Food/Tube Cake Pans 15 gauge aluminum, solid bottom, with nesting ring in tube Item # Plain Item # Glazed Pan Top Inside, in. Pan Bottom Outside, in. Pan Depth, in. Tube Top, in. Tube Bottom, in. Tube Depth, in. Weight Each, lb. 46500 46505 7 1/2 7 2 3/4 1 3/4 2 5/8 3 0.8 46530 46535 7 1/2 6 7/8 3 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 3 1/8 0.8 46540 46545 9 1/4 8 4 2 1/4 3 4 1/8 1.2 46550 46555 9 1/2 8 1/4 4 2 3/8 3 1/8 4 1/8 1.3 46560 46565 10 9 1/4 3 3/4 3 1/4 4 4 1/2 1.5 Indicates In-Stock in Canada Angel Food/Tube Cake Pans From special designs to traditional Spring Form Pans, you will find a Cake Pan that will enhance your offerings. Please see below for specific material and construction notes. Indicates In-Stock in Canada Item # Plain 46500 Item # Glazed 46505 Pan Top Inside, in. 7 1/2 Pan Bottom Outside, in. 7 PanDepth, in. 2 3/4 TubeTop, in. 1 3/4 Tube Bottom, in. 2 5/8 Tube Depth, in. 3 WeightEach, lb. 0.8 Item # Plain 46530 Item # Glazed 46535 Pan Top Inside, in. 7 1/2 Pan Bottom Outside, in. 6 7/8 PanDepth, in. 3 1/16 TubeTop, in. 2 9/16 Tube Bottom, in. 3 1/8 Tube Depth, in. 3 1/8 WeightEach, lb. 0.8 Item # Plain 46540 Item # Glazed 46545 Pan Top Inside, in. 9 1/4 Pan Bottom Outside, in. 8 PanDepth, in. 4 TubeTop, in. 2 1/4 Tube Bottom, in. 3 Tube Depth, in. 4 1/8 WeightEach, lb. 1.2 Item # Plain 46550 Item # Glazed 46555 Pan Top Inside, in. 9 1/2 Pan Bottom Outside, in. 8 1/4 PanDepth, in. 4 TubeTop, in. 2 3/8 Tube Bottom, in. 3 1/8 Tube Depth, in. 4 1/8 WeightEach, lb. 1.3 Item # Plain 46560 Item # Glazed 46565 Pan Top Inside, in. 10 Pan Bottom Outside, in. 9 1/4 PanDepth, in. 3 3/4 TubeTop, in. 3 1/4 Tube Bottom, in. 4 Tube Depth, in. 4 1/2 WeightEach, lb. 1.5


Stock NumberAngel Food/Tube Cake Pans